animBot: Essential Maya and Animbot Fundamentals
Course4.7 average rating (12 reviews)Get full access to the most essential Maya&animBot tips and cheats to work in a more efficient and effective manner. Stephen Eusebio provides a hands on bootcamp so you may fully master those tools based on his 12 year experience.
Online Course: Hybrid Workflow
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Watch the complete recordings from Kevin Nguyen Hybrid Workflow live course. Learning how to take advantage of the current technology and make it work for you instead of working against it.
Online Course: 2d Power Ups for 3d animators
Courseseasoned PRO, Scott Wright, in our brand new course "2d POWER UPS for 3d animators." These two disciplines share more of a common ground than you think and understanding how 3d animation may help your 2d animation, and vice versa, can help take your animation skills to new heights