2d POWER UPS for 3d animators

In this class, you’ll explore how traditional drawing and design principles can be used to create extraordinary 3D animation. These two disciplines share more common ground than you think and understanding how 3D animation may help your 2D animation, and vice versa can help take your animation skills to new heights.

*Streaming courses do not include assignments, teacher feedback, or certifications.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Syllabus

    2. 2D POWER UPS - Intro Teaser with Scott Wright!

    1. Class 1 Content - Basic Principles of Design

    2. Join the Buzz: Tell the World About Our School!

    3. 2D Power Ups-Class1 Notes

    4. Class 2 Content - Animation Design Principles

    5. 2D Power Ups-Class2 Notes

    6. Class 3 Content - Emotion in Design

    7. 2D Power Ups-Class3 Notes

    8. Class 4 Content - Life Drawing with 3D

    9. 2D Power Ups - Class 4 Notes

    10. Class 5 Content - Faces the External and Internal

    11. 2D Power Ups - Class5 Notes

    12. Class 6: Finding Design in the Emotion

    13. 2D Power Ups - Class6 Notes

    14. Class 7: Constructing Emotional Beats with Design

    15. Class 8: Directing the Audience

    16. Inspire Others with Your Journey in your socials!

    17. Class 9

    18. Class 10

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 14 hours of video content

Who is teaching this?

2D&3D animation, Team Lead Scott Wright

Scott Wright is a 2d and 3d animator with 25+ years of feature film experience. He attended Sheridan College in Canada where he studied Character Animation and has his master’s degree in illustration from the Academy of Art. After graduating from college Scott was hired by DreamWorks Animation where he worked for 15 years as both a 2d and 3d animator. Over the past 10 years Scott has been freelancing for commercials, feature films, and tv shows as either a storyboard artist, character designer, prop designer and is currently working at DisneyTV as a 2d character animator. His film credits include; Prince of Egypt, The Road to Eldorado, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Madagascar, How to Train Your Dragon, SCOOB and many more. When not working, you will find Scott, well...drawing!