Course curriculum
Creating a vision. Creativity vs Professionalism
Understanding the animation industry as a business.
The chain of command. The heads of the project.
The animation department and the immediate departments.
The production pipeline.
The issues that are natural to the profession. Competitiveness, insecurity, short contract, OT.
The common benefits. The salary, the time off, and "the fun".
What's Creativity
The Creative Source - Muses and Inspiration from the Unconsciousness
A World of Creativity
The Creativity Matrix
The Cognitive - Deliberate creativity "Thomas Edison"
The Deliverate - Emotional creativity. Personal breakthrough "a-ha" moments.
The Spontaneous and Cognitive creativity. The "Eureka" moments by Isaac Newton.
Spontaneous and Emotional creativity or "Epipanies".
A Holistic Creativity
The Experience of Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The personal creativity vs team creative work.
The obligations and expectations of the character animator.
Understanding the limitations of the character animator: deadlines, the character and the script/dialogue audio.
Improving your communication skills.
Techniquest to deal with limitations, mental blockage and programmation.
-Dilema #1 The Creative love and freedom vs. following the hierarchy & deadlines
Dilema #2 The instability and uncertainty
Dilema #3 The stress
How to find the right job for you.
Bringing your self creative to the team work.
Ask for help, use your benefits.
Resting tips .
Relaxation techniques : Breathing exercises and Autogenic Training .
Meditation practice - Vipassana practice.
Be open to change & grow.

About this course
- $229.00
- 34 lessons
- 3 hours of video content
*Monthly drip release date of each module?
Who is teaching this?
Jorge Vigara - experienced producer and animator.