Essential Maya + AnimBot Fundamentals:

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the ESSENTIAL understanding of Maya and AnimBot that will allow them to further their studies in animating in Maya.  

This course will be divided into two parts:

Maya Workshop: The goal of Part 01 is to provide students with the working knowledge of Maya they will need in order to animate. It’s important to note that these are just some of the foundations of Maya, particularly those most useful for professional animation. (Class 1-5)

animBot Workshop: The goal of Part 02 is to provide students with a foundational understanding of AnimBot that will enable them to delve further into the tools on their own. We will be covering the features that are frequently used by animators and give you a deeper understanding of AnimBot’s flexibility and utility. (Class 6-10)

These are live unedited/uncut demonstrations provided by the talented Stephen Eusebio.

10 classes in a total of 1.5-2.5 hrs each. Class 1-5 covering Maya and 6-10 covering animBot.

You may PREVIEW the course to review the course syllabus.

  • Level Up!

    Take your Maya and animBot skills to another level. Make technology work for you so you can focus on nurturing your creative process of animation.

  • Practice, practice, practice...

    Explore a variety of exercises that are easy but powerful using Maya and animBot. Follow along in order to level up your animation skills.

  • Try out ToyRig

    1-week trial access to ToyRig available at

  • Access to our Discord Server

    Get access to our Animawarriors Discord server and join the community.

  • Flexible

    Course access never expires. So you may go over the classes at your own pace.

  • Maya Educational License

    We may aid you in getting a free Maya education license as an Animawarriors student.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Syllabus

    1. Class 01 - Lecture

    2. Class 01 - Maya install and setup, Dropdown menus, Viewport Navigation, Viewport , Maya Basics for Animators

    1. Class 02 - Lecture

    2. Class 02 - Files

    3. Class 02 - Cameras , Workspace , Primitive Creation, Primitive Creation, Channel Box

    1. Class 03 - Lecture

    2. Class 03 - Files

    3. Class 03 - 3d Space, Anim windows , Setting Keys .

    1. Class 04 - Lecture

    2. Class 04 - Files

    3. Class 04 - Maya projects, Customs , Constraints .

    1. Class 05 - Lecture

    2. Class 05 - Files

    3. Class 05 - Rigs, Reference Editor , Picker , Library.

About this course

  • Free
  • 29 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

Entire Maya + animBot Workshop

Course access never expires! Don't miss out on our month's SPECIAL!

Who is teaching this?

Stephen Eusebio

Stephen Eusebio is from Los Angeles and has been a 3D artist and an Animator for 12 years. He currently works at Blizzard Cinematics. He has been there for almost 3 years animating for the best video game cinematics in the world. His work includes the cinematic and in-game cinematic shorts for Overwatch, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo, and World of Warcraft.