Course curriculum
Intro to "Agh" Scared Take.
AGH! Scared Take (Preview)
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2.1 Cartoon Heart.
2.2 Visual Humour.
2.3 2D Posing or Graphic Posing.
2.4 Snappy Timing.
2.5 KIS
2.6 Learning appeal
2.7 Let's do this!
2.8 The Layout Sequence.
2.9 The Style Reference - Part 1.
2.10 The Style Reference - Part 2.
2.11 The Style Reference - Part 3.
Find your fun references!
Download our video style Reference
"Agh! Scared Take" video reference sample.
3.1 Planning And Setup
3.2 Golden Poses
3.3 Planning the key pose
3.4 Key Poses (Part1)
3.5 Key Poses (Part2) & First Rough Blocking
3.6 Blocking/Advanced Workflow
3.7 Polishing Body Shake (Part1)
3.8 Polishing Body Shake (Part2)
3.9 Polishing Big Terror Take (Part1)
3.10 Polishing Big Terror Take And Wave Effect (Part2)
3.11 Woosh Polishing
3.12 Woosh Polishing (Part2)
3.13 Woosh Polishing (Part3)
3.14 Woosh Polishing (Part 4)
3.15 Woosh Polishing(Part5), Legs Wheel & Finishing Up!
Shot Package - download
Assignment 1 - Shot #3 Take & flying off camera - Blocking
Assignment 2 - Shot #3 Take & flying off camera - Blocking Advanced / WIP
Assignment 3 - Shot #3 Take & flying off camera - Polish & final.

About this course
- $89.00
- 39 lessons
- 8.5 hours of video content
Who is teaching this?
Jorge Vigara - watch his evolution reel below!