Experience Animawarriors live with"Anim Team Workshop" (AVAILABLE THIS SPRING ONLY!) + "MasterCartoon" 2X1 SPECIAL. Take your animation skills to the next level with the help of Jorge Vigara, and Stephen Eusebio.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
MasterClass: Balancing your 3D animation career as a Warrior! Pre-sale
CourseHow to marry Creativity & Professionality? In this lecture-based course we dive deep into the 3D animation film industry, exploring the dynamics of being creative, and the day-to-day challenges a professional 3D animator will face.
Anim Team Workshop (2020)
CourseWork along with other students, as a team, to complete entire sequence of shots in order to be exposed to a studio environment! For intermediate/advanced animators. The teacher (Stephen Eusebio) and directorial meeting with Jorge Vigara.
Courses, Online Courses, All Courses
Online Course: MasterCartoon
CourseThe Masterclass: MasterCartoon is an introductory course to highly stylized, exaggerated and pushed cartoony 3D style animation. You will lean main principles of cartoony style animations and all sort of different techniques to go beyond our limits.
With Offer You Will Get:
Experience AnimaWarriors LIVE this Spring with "Anim Team Workshop"! Get real-time Lectures & Rounds from Stephen Eusebio, PLUS Directorial Feedback from Jorge Vigara. Interact & learn from other students and ask questions live. NOTE: If you cannot make it to a live session, recording will always be available and feedback may be provided via video/email. Course certificate to be provided upon completion.
Get complementary course "MasterCartoon"! Explore hours of video with theory, tips, tricks and practices which you may complete at your own pace. Course access never expires. Certificate provided upon course completion.
Free full access to ToyRig for 6 months to use it for these courses and any personal/student shot you'd like to do.
Get Animbot license FREE for 4 months one of the most powerful tools used by professional Maya animators!
Feature Me: Get your work featured on all our social media outlets.